Top 10 Javascript Frameworks to Use in 2021


JavaScript is one of the most popular languages ​​out there and its frameworks are as popular as it is. JavaScript frameworks make website and application development easy with extensive features and functionalities.

According to a web development survey from 2020, JavaScript topped the list of most used programming languages with 67.7% of respondents using it. And the particular language is dominating in 2021 as well.

Although JavaScript is used in front-end development and to improve web user interfaces, its frameworks serve the same purpose but in a more productive way. And finding the best framework out of all these options is a difficult task.

In this article, I will discuss some of the most well-known JavaScript front end frameworks so that you can choose one of them for your future projects. But before that, let’s discuss what the JavaScript framework is and why we use it.

Here we go..

JavaScript frameworks are application frameworks that allow developers to manipulate code to meet their unique requirements.

In application development, instead of writing each code from scratch, you can use pre-written code acting as building blocks based on the application architecture

Additionally, frameworks can optimize website design more quickly and make it easier to work with JavaScript.

  • Front-end app development
  • Back-end app development
  • Hybrid app development
  • Ecommerce applications
  • Update DOM manually
  • Build modular scripts, for example, Node.js
  • Develop video games
  • Testing codes and debugging
  • Automate repetitive tasks using templating and 2-way binding

Here is a list of the top ten most popular JavaScript frameworks for web development. Take a deeper look at them:

1. Angular

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework released by Google in 2010. It is one of the most popular frameworks of JavaScript and is also widely used. This is a front-end JS framework that you can use to build web apps. You can create an amazing ecommerce application by hiring angular js developers.

The versatility of the framework is the major factor behind Angular’s success. It introduces some of the best elements, such as two-way data binding dependency injection, directives, MVC, CLI, typescript support, etc.

Some of the big tech giants using Angular:

  • Google
  • PayPal
  • HBO
  • Nike
  • Upwork
  • Sony

Use cases:

  • To develop ecommerce applications.
  • Developing real-time data apps for weather updates
  • Example: YouTube PlayStation 3

2. Vue.js

Vue.js, commonly known as Vue, is an open-source JavaScript framework that is used to create rich user interfaces. It would not be wrong to say that it is somehow a combination of both — React and Angular Framework.

For example, the framework provides virtual DOM features similar to React and two-way bindings like Angular. Since Vue is a progressive framework, you can easily integrate it with existing projects and other JS libraries.

For the year 2020, Vue was the most starred framework in GitHub, outpacing Angular and React.

Some of the other key features of Vue are:

  • Supports CSS Transitions and Animations
  • Provides Higher Customizability
  • Better Flexibility and Modularity
  • Companies using Vue: Stack Overflow, GitLab, Adobe, etc.

3. React

Created by Facebook, React Framework has gained popularity in a short span of time. React is used for developing and operating a dynamic user interface of web pages with high traffic. You can develop a dynamic web application by seeking assistance from one of the best react.js development company.

It uses a virtual DOM, and therefore, its integration with any application is more straightforward.

Key Features of React:

  • It uses virtual DOMs by creating an in-memory cache in the data structure, calculating differences, and efficiently updating the DOM in the browser.
  • React code includes components that need to render a specific element in the DOM with the help of the React DOM library.
  • It uses lifecycle methods such as render and component DidMount to allow code execution at specific points during the lifetime of an entity.
  • Due to its selective rendering, app performance is increased.
  • It supports JavaScript XML (JSX) which combines both JS and HTML.

4. Backbone.Js

BackboneJS is a lightweight JavaScript library that helps you build and structure client-side applications running in a web browser. It provides an MVC framework that abstracts data into models, DOMs into views, and ties them to events.

If you are looking for a better design with less code, it is best to use the BackboneJS library, which provides excellent features, is well organized and structured to build your application.

BackboneJS communicates via events. It means that the application is not messed up. Your code is going to be simple, nice and easy to maintain.

Key features:

  • Free and Open-Source library
  • Event-driven Communication
  • Abstract Code and MV Structure
  • Better Documentation
  • Companies using Backbone.js: Airbnb, Drupal, Trello, etc.

5. Node.js

Next on the list is Node.js — an open-source, server-side JavaScript framework that is created on Google Chrome’s JavaScript V8 engine. It is primarily designed to create fast, scalable and reliable network based server side applications.

The framework is capable of running asynchronous I/O with its event-driven architecture. It works in a JavaScript runtime environment and features properties similar to Java such as threading and packaging.

Key Features:

  • Single-threaded
  • I/O is asynchronous and Event-Driven
  • Highly scalable
  • No buffering

6. Meteor

Meteor’s application area aka Meteor.js or MeteorJS serves its name since it is diverse because it covers almost an important part of software development.

In addition, there are currently more than 25000 websites active on the web using Meteor and this framework is becoming quite popular among developers.

The use of this framework includes important areas such as back-end development, management of databases, front-end rendering, and business logic.

Meteor offers many key features such as reactive templates, hot code reload, effective communication between front-end and back-end servers, and more.


  • Integrated Live-Browser Reloading
  • Isomorphic Development Ecosystem (IDevE)
  • Custom Package Manager
  • Better Community Support
  • Companies using Meteor: Deloitte, Nordstrom, Accenture, etc.

7. Next.js

Here is another open-source front-end development framework, Next.js. It is based on React and is very popular among developers due to its server-side renderability aspect.

This allows you to develop Jamstack and server-based applications by following best practices for development.

Next.js offers some notable features such as automatic code-splitting, SEO backing, automated routing, prefetching, and many more.

Key Features of Next.js:

  • Supports Hot Code Reloading
  • Server-Side Rendering
  • Dynamic Components
  • Provides Ecosystem Compatibility
  • Companies using Next.js: Netflix, Github, Avocode, etc.

8. MithrilJS

Mithril is a somewhat lesser known JS library, but it is the latest JavaScript framework used to build client-side web applications. Also, it has a proper development process and sufficient documentation.

It has an analytical, auto-drawing solution. This is a pure JavaScript framework of the virtual DOM. It is fast and provides routing and functional XHR utilities.

Some big companies using Mithril:

9. Aurelia

Aurelia is the current version of JavaScript that can be used to implement any interface. It is the next generation of framework for developing far more robust websites.

Aurelia framework can extend HTML for various purposes, including data binding. Also, its modern architecture ensures that the toll is intended to be an interpretation client-side and server-side at a time.


  • Web Standard: It focuses solely on web standards without unnecessary abstractions.
  • Commercial Support: This framework provides commercial and enterprise support.
  • Extensible: The framework provides an easy way to integrate with other essential tools.
  • License: Aurelia is open source and licensed under the MIT license.

10. Express.js

Last but not the least is Express.js. It is a back-end web development framework for Node.js that is used to build web applications and APIs.

Express is primarily based on the Sinatra framework and allows you to develop node-based web applications efficiently. The framework supports the MVC (model-view-controller) architecture and is significantly faster than other frameworks.

Here are some of its prominent features:

  • Easy Debugging
  • Fast and Opinionated Framework
  • Better Community Support
  • Compatible with other frameworks
  • Companies using Express.js: PayPal, Uber, IBM, etc.

JavaScript frameworks are able to speed up your website or app development process. All the frameworks I mentioned above have their advantages and disadvantages and choosing a framework is always a difficult decision.

Therefore it is very important to choose a framework according to the demand of your project. Also, if you need any assistance, you can contact any top software development company in India. I am sure they will cater to all your needs and requirements.

I hope this detailed list of JavaScript frameworks will help you choose the right one for your next project.

Good Luck!