The origin story of the Wingdings font – Wingdings, the iconic font composed by… well, icons; became widely popular for being included in many Microsoft Word versions in the ’90s is quite intriguing. It has even been the subject of some…Tweeted by @kundukundu…

20 Free Web Design Tools from Winter 2021 – Free resources from the design community can add value to a website. Here is a list of new tools and design elements from winter 2021. There are website and page builders, icon libraries, pattern and…Tweeted by @siennawebdesign…

nOtWASP bottom 10: vulnerabilities that make you cry – Everyone’s heard of the OWASP Top 10 – the often-cited list of major threats that every web developer should be conscious of. But if you cast your gaze across pentest reports and bug bounty findings,Tweeted by @shreyas_chavhan…

Belgium hacked, most likely by China – Belgium’s interior ministry has been targeted by a cyberattack that saw intruders gain access to the ministry’s entire computer system. Belgian experts say the attack was likely carried out by China.…Tweeted by @EURACTIV_DE…