How will the rise of artificial intelligence change marketing?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term that has been thrown around a lot lately, but what does it really mean? AI is a branch of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. It has been around for a very long time, but today it is becoming a critical component of digital marketing that is helping companies realize meaningful results.

Everyone’s talking about AI, but fewer marketers truly understand what’s going on. How should you, and your agency, prepare for AI? In this article, we’ll look at how AI is being used in digital marketing, and how it can help you and your marketing team get better results from your own marketing efforts.

What is artificial intelligence marketing?

Artificial intelligence is a technology that is already a part of our everyday lives. We see devices like Alexa, Siri, Google Home, and Cortana as experts on our specific needs and desires, and we rely on these experts to navigate our worlds, whether that be whilst at play or the world of work. However, artificial intelligence marketing is a relatively new discipline that’s beginning to take form.

Machine learning has been used in marketing since the late 2000s, but deep learning didn’t come around until the 2010s. Deep learning is a type of machine learning where layers of data are connected to solve problems, using an artificially intelligent algorithm that is able to recognise patterns in data and make sense of them.

The marketing implications of these powerful new technologies are playing out already – with marketers already seeing the potential impact of AI on their marketing efforts.

What are marketers doing with AI?

Many companies have already begun to adopt AI in their digital marketing strategies. This is all thanks to the development of algorithms, which can autonomously learn from incoming data. One of the most exciting areas of AI development is in marketing, with advances in natural language processing and machine learning helping companies to create even more engaging ad content.

Today, artificial intelligence is all around us. It’s used in AI chatbots, apps, and even content marketing. One of the most exciting potential uses for AI is in the realm of customer experience (CX). Just look at Google Duplex, an AI tool that can make phone calls on your behalf, book appointments, and make restaurant reservations. With the rise of powerful AI solutions, marketing will likely be transformed even further in ways we can’t even imagine now.

Once marketing is streamlined and more efficient, it will be able to dive deeper into the consumer psyche. AI can already help marketers figure out who their target audiences are, what they want, and what they’re willing to buy, so it’s only a matter of time before a machine learning algorithm can tell marketers exactly how to sell to them.

How will AI marketing change roles and the skills required to do the job?

Many marketers are concerned over artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) applications taking over jobs and replacing human labour. However, a recent study by Forrester found that marketers are excited by AI and ML and will be incorporating both into their work, with only 12% of marketers being “very concerned” about AI and ML taking over jobs.

Forrester predicts AI marketing will have a major impact on every type of marketing campaign and channel, including paid search, content marketing, social media, and email marketing. AI marketing will help marketers create new workflows, optimise marketing spending, ease content creation, augment product feeds with image recognition, drive predictive analytics and create powerful new marketing strategies. Instead of worrying about being replaced, modern marketers and marketing leaders are instead asking how they can use an AI algorithm to gain a competitive advantage, reach more customers and grow customer engagement.

Will AI take over digital marketing?

The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and artificial intelligence is the next big game changer. AI marketing automation holds the potential to completely revolutionise the way marketers manage their marketing campaigns, develop personalised content, and increase customer interaction.

Up until now, companies used digital marketing tactics to try and reach consumers that were scattered around the web. Today, it’s possible to use AI applications to reach a user with a highly targeted advertisement at the precise moment when their consumer behaviour indicates that they are most likely to be interested in your product or service. Those actionable insights represent the promise of AI. Now the question is, how should businesses take advantage of it?

The first and most obvious step is for companies to use an AI platform to better understand their customer journey and increase personalisation. It’s all about understanding the customer and their needs. Everything is becoming more personalised and the cost of marketing is getting lower.

So, will AI marketing really change marketing?

It’s a brave new world out there. We’ve been waiting for the day when AI marketing tools, big data and machine learning would become part of our everyday lives. That day is here, and it’s taking over marketing as we know it. Which begs the question, as AI technology grows and evolves – are you ready to reshape your marketing strategy?

Note: This article was written by an Artificial Intelligence application – this line being the exception – requiring around 30 minutes to research crossheadings, use GPT3 to generate the copy, then polish with a few light edits.