HTTPS Actually Everywhere – For more than 10 years, EFF’s HTTPS Everywhere browser extension has provided a much-needed service to users: encrypting their browser communications with websites and making sure they benefit from t…Tweeted by @techhelpkb…

Intelligence: Secrets That Never Were Secrets – Over the last six years American Internet security researchers have come to realize that much of the data stolen by Chinese hackers could be obtained, without breaking any laws, from commercial data …Tweeted by @softwarnet…

Best Writing Platform for a Writer – To start a career as a writer, the first step is choosing a platform that will allow you to reach your goals and thrive as a writer. The best writing platforms make it easy to build an online…Tweeted by @emawsf…

IGT coding and robotics camp give youth a tech boost – The first staging of the IGT Coding and Robotics Rock! Camp engaged youth participants from the International Game Technology (IGT) After School Advantage (ASA) Centers in Trinidad and Tobago, who ar…Tweeted by @zyiteblog…